Biofilter Soils

Yard Works produces Virginia’s finest soils by mixing them with just the right amount of organic humus. Humus is the organic growing part of soil and determines the quality of topsoil that you are buying. You can choose from Organic Growing Media, Master Blend Turf Mix, Master Blend Bed Mix, Screened Top Soil, Specialty Bio Filtration and Retention Mixes, and even soils made to your specification.

Organic matter is one of the few things you can change when working with topsoils of poor quality. Topsoils with higher organic matter have better moisture holding capacity and better space distribution for plant roots. The best soils are loam or sandy loam, as classified on the USDA soil triangle. Loams with 5% or higher organic matter are highly productive. Yard Works carefully adds the right amount of compost to all of our soils, creating ideal conditions for these organisms to thrive.

Yard Works also provides custom made BIO-FILTER soils for the Filtrexx Bioretention System™. A storm water best management practice (BMP) that utilizes soil, plants, and microbes to filter, retain, and infiltrate storm water runoff from developed sites. Bioretention is an important component of Low Impact Development (LID) strategies because it is relatively simple, inexpensive, effective and aesthetically attractive. Filtrexx GrowingMedia™, manufactured by Yard Works, is an important component of a successful Bioretention System™ installation. Give us a call today to learn more about our Bio-filter soils.

Bio-retention reduces the volume of storm water runoff leaving a developed site through interception of rainfall on vegetated surfaces. It also reduces the volume of storm water runoff leaving a developed site through infiltration of runoff into the soil and groundwater. Bio-retention filters pollutants commonly found in storm water runoff by facilitating the setting of large particles.

We also offer on-site screening services to help reduce your soil removal costs. We operate multiple types of soil screens to produce a quality reusable soil right at your job site. From finished topsoil to compost to logging yard and industrial site cleanup, Yard Works has the right equipment for the job.



Biofilter Soils

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Jimmy Hall
Richmond Area Contractor Sales
804-639-0311 Ext: 301

Ken Diepold
West of Richmond and Charlottesville